
Organize Your Junk Drawer

drawer opened to show a well organized drawer with pencils, tols, and other things arranged nicely

Do you find yourself opening that junk drawer and saying “I really need to organize this!” Now is the time! Set aside 30 minutes this week to finally bring order to one of your messiest drawers using these tips from Zestful Design.

Edit First

Start by letting go of unused or broken items. Then evaluate if you have too many of one item, such as pens. Next weed out things that should go in a different location like hair bands or loose change.

Drawer Organizers

Once you know what will be going back in the drawer, find drawer dividers or inserts that will neatly contain the items. To save money, use items around your home like small gift boxes or cut down cereal boxes.

Like with Like

Create specific spots for each item and put “like with like”. This will make it easier to keep the drawer organized because everything will have its own place.


Another tip to keeping the drawer organized is labeling each compartment. Put the label within the container making sure it will not get covered up by the item in the space.

This quick project will motivate you to move on to the next drawer in your kitchen or office.  Keep the momentum going and all your drawers will be organized in no time!

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About the Author

Kira is the founder and owner of Zestful Design. She recently won the award for Best Interior Designer in Maple Grove. Kira’s interior design work has been featured in Maple Grove Magazine. She has written articles on home organizing, decluttering and design for Maple Grove Magazine, Plymouth MagazineLake Minnetonka Magazine, UMBRA and Minnesota Parent Magazine. Kira speaks regularly on podcasts about home organizing and decluttering. She has also taught staging and decluttering classes for realtors throughout the Twin Cities.

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